Friday, August 2, 2013

Opening the door to the closet...Ya nasty...

Buenos Dias Folks! I am taking a break from talking about race relations in America. I know folks, breathe with me...Inhale and exhale...Don't worry about Don Lemon's simple ass, we'll deal with that later.

But speaking of Don Lemon brings up another point I'd like to discuss. This week Raven Symone, known as cute little Olivia on The Cosby Show then went on to her own stardom in Disney's That's So Raven, Inadvertently came out as a lesbian via Twitter, after longtime rumors floated about her sexuality and her dating partners.

As if this didn't shake up the Twitterverse enough, later her reps released a statement that while she is not getting married, she is happy that same sex marriage is becoming more and more accepted in the country. Dammit, I was all geared up for a That's So Wedding! Now, while this produced many "Good for Her"s and "She showed bravery"s, along with TONS of really bad That's So Raven, I was wishing for more "Who Cares, when are we gonna see you back on Broadway?" Then again, there were the religous nuts who were condemning Raven of saying pretty nasty things which I will not entertain on this blog. And of course there are the ones who "don't understand why people are called 'brave' when they come out." Oh, Snap!

This isn't the first time that we have experienced this mess, and it definitely won't be the last. Frank Ocean, Jason Collins, Zach Quinto, and a host of others have come out as members of the LGBT community in the time of the twitter and have received the same response that Raven has. And in a sense there is a sense of bravery involved. In what seems like almost forever, Coming out the closet as gay is the stake in the heart of your career. You will be ostracized, nobody will work with you and you'll be relegated to bit parts and the niche LGBT fan base. It's what kept so many people like openly hiding for years(Luther Vandross, anyone?) It was and in certain situations it still is, so Raven coming out and being who she is at the risk of her career is pretty gutsy seeing as though it might affect her roles.

At the end of the day, know this. Raven and everyone else who is in the public eye are there for a reason, to entertain with their talents, not who they are currently banging. Let's be honest, we are all guilty of entertaining that mess, myself included. But they're personal lives should be personal. So good vibes and positivity to Raven Symone. Hope you find happiness with whoever you want and I hope we strive for the day when a persons sexual orientation is no longer a news story

Thanx 4 Lettin Me Vent,

Lawrence J. Weber, Jr
"The Arrogant Observer"

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