Hello. I am one of many black people who live in America. I am also one of many black people who have seen you in the public eye for almost 15 years on reality television and as a top adviser in the White House. Recently, you came back into the public eye after being fired last December from the White House staff and unceremoniously booted the hell out of the building to promote a new book about your time under the current administration. In this book, you mention several times where the president has allegedly said the N-word on his television show in between takes. You now realize that the man is a racist and you want to try your best to expose him as such, stating that your eyes have been opened to his consistent racism and misogyny. There is only one problem… We already knew that shit. This book only highlights just how much of a shitty opportunistic person you are.
Let me get this straight, you had absolutely no clue that this man who you worked with for 15 years could possibly be racist, despite the fact that he has had racial incidents that he has done going back to all the way when you were in diapers. You joined his campaign, tried to shove him down black America’s throats, used your own brothers murder as a talking point to push Trumps, Anti-immigrant, anti-black agenda, then told us that at the end of the day we would have to “bow down” to President Trump. Then after getting a position as an advisor, A position that to this day nobody knows exactly what you did(aside from unsuccessfully attempting to set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus and erroneously calling yourself “The Honorable Omarosa Manigault Newman,” sending your wedding party through the White House for unplanned and inappropriate tour, and doing your best to ruin reporter April Ryan’s career by suggesting that she was working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign) you didn’t use your position as one of the administrations few black faces to try and “advise” your boss to knock off the racist rhetoric and try to put legislation in to change the many impoverished and underserved neighborhoods that many in the African-American community have to reside in, mainly because it didn’t directly affect you.
The truth of the matter is, you and Donald Trump are two sides of the same coin, you just come in a better package. You are both selfish greedy opportunistic narcissists Who need to be at the center of attention in order to survive. The times that you were in the most pain is when nobody is talking to you and nobody is paying attention to you. Which is probably why if you ever read this you will do it with a smile on your face, even though this is what most millennial‘s would consider “a read.” You don’t care about the black community. Hell, you literally don’t care about anybody but yourself. This is why many people in the black community don’t “check” for you, because you have proven time and time again that you will sell your own mother for fame and notoriety. And you proved it by selling out your people and the rest of the country to get this idiot hired for four years
As I’ve said before, you will probably never read this. You are too busy on this horrid book tour to notice a podcasters rarely used blog. But if you do, I will certainly answer a question for you. If you ever wondered if the black community has your back and will stand with you as you attempt to expose whoever for whatever...
Nah sis, we’ll pass...
Thanx for lettin me vent,
Lawrence J Weber Jr.